During my recent trip to Banda , District Banda Uttar Pradesh which also known as one of the area comes under Bundalkhand. Their are many type of raw herbs which are
grown wild in and around this area. Some of the local people are selling these herbs which they used to collect from the forest area of this region.
As I asked them as to how they get the knowledge about the use of these herb, I was told by this young man that his father is Vaid ( Ayurved expert ) and he got the knowledge about the use of herbs for various ailments from his father as this tradition goes on in their family.
Some of the herbs which he is prescribing for various ailments are very effective and many local villagers used to buy these herbs from them and they are quite effective and are curing many poor people.
I also purchased certain herbs for my sister who is suffering from some kind of allergy in a hope that it can be cured one day and she will get relief within two months time. I am hopeful that she will get the relief within two months time and i will let u know about it soon.
Raw herbs are gift to mankind from the All Mighty.