India has one of the oldest and richest cultural heritage of using wild plants for treating the physical and mental sufferings of humanity. It is belived that the divine origin of Ayurveda is from Brahma - dates back to the origine of human race.
Rigveda and Atharvaveda (5000 years B.C ) have references on health and diseases. Ayurved texts like CHARAK SAMHITA and
SUSHRUTA SAMHITA were documented about 1000 years B.C. Infect India is the birthplace of Ayurveda - the art and science of perfect living and health care. Ayurveda provides the knowledge to preserve, promote and correct the body as well as the quality and strength of mind so that one can aspire to attain a state of supreme and eternal happiness. It also advocates employing holistic and comprehensive approaches and methods in the treatment of diseases.
Life, in Ayurveda is conceived as the union of body, senses, mind and soul. Human being is a conglomeration of three humours
( Vata, Pitta, & Kapha ), seven body tissues ( Rasa, Rakta, Mansa, Meda, Asthi, Majja & Shukra ) and the waste products of the body such as faeces, urine and sweat. Thus the total body matrix comprises of the humours, the tissues and the waste products of the body.
According to Ayurveda all objects in the universe including human body are composed of five basic elements (PANCHAMAHABHUTAS) namely, ether (vacuum), air, fire, water, and earth. There is a balance condensation of these elements in different proportions to suit the needs and requirements of different structures and functions of the body matrix and its parts. The growth and developoment of the body matrix depends on its nutrition, i.e. on food. The food, in turn, is composed of the above five elements, which replenish or nourish the like elements of the body. The tissues of the body are the structural whereas humors are physiological entities, derived from different combinations and permutations of Panchamahabhutas.
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